Lifesnaps – New publication in Scientific Data, an open-access journal of Nature Portfolio


Happy and proud to share that our paper, “LifeSnaps, a 4-month multi-modal dataset capturing unobtrusive snapshots of our lives in the wild”, just got published in Scientific Data, an open-access journal of .

Our newly published data descriptor introduces an open dataset empowering future ubiquitous research in different disciplines from diverse perspectives. The LifeSnaps dataset is a multi-modal, time, and space-distributed dataset containing a plethora of data collected unobtrusively for more than 4 months by 71 participants. LifeSnaps contains more than 35 different data types totaling more than 71M rows of data. The participants contributed their data through validated self-reported surveys, ecological momentary assessments (EMAs), and a Fitbit Sense smartwatch and consented to make these data publicly available.

Behind the Scenes Article:
Visual Abstract: